My birthday was on friday and I wanted to go to Bandung tree top to do the flying fox.It was a long trip untill we reach Bandung tree top.We paid for parking and drove down untill we reached the other side of the park.The flying fox has curcits.The ones I did was orange circuit and blue circuit 1.Joseph did all the little kids curcits.Once I got set I went down to the flying fox.I also did some bridges and type ropes.Same like blue circuit.
Category Archives: Indonesia
My trip to bali for 12 days.
I went to Bali for 12 days the flight to get there was 1hour and 20 minutes.When we go there we took a bus to get to the airport.The ride was short.We got are suitcase and took a taxi to are hotel.The name of the hotel was benoa beach front villa.
We check in and we got are room and we checked the beach.We went back to are room when it suddenly started to rain.We watched tv and we went out to get something to eat.
The next day was awesome because we got free breakfast and we went to the beach but we went out to get sunscreen.When we got to the store we saw that the sunscreen cost to much.The sunscreen cost 159.900 rp ($15.90).So we didn’t get it.
We went back to the beach and we walked down till we found a good spot. We played all day until I came up where my parents are and I see some fisherman catching fish.They caught 4 fish when I saw lots and lots of crabs.
Soon we went back to are hotel and played at the pool there.The next day we got are stuff and put it in are suitcases and checked out.
The next hotel we went to was my favorite it was called The court yard Marriott.We checked in and we got are room.The room was cold and small and they had other hotel rooms in different areas.They also had a big pool in the center and free breakfast.
We went out to eat something.Then we went back to get ready for the beach.We gotto the lobby and we took a car to get to are private beach.The beach was shallow.We played all day until it was getting dark.
The next day was awesome.You got to have a buffet.Then went to the kids club.For free 3 hours.After the kids club we went to the beach and we go so far out.We got that far because the water was shallow.
Soon we headed back to eat dinner.The next day we ate breakfast and packet up.We check out and went to the next hotel.
The next hotel was named puri saron it was really long to get there.When we got there it was like a jungle.The room was an upstairs and downstairs.
We ate dinner and we got extra beds.Then ants started coming out of the walls and we had to call room service to take care of the ants.So we moved to a different room.The next morning we ate free breakfast and went swimming.
Then we checked the other room to see the ants.We moved back in and then more ants came and we moved back to the other room again.
The next day we packet up and we went back to the court yard marriott.We stayed there for 4 days but we never got to go swimming.
The last hotel that we went to was called villa puri ayu.The place was like a jungle but was at a town.The first day we checked in and went to the beach and played in the pool.We ate lunch and dinner and slept in are cool bed.
The next day we played in the pool with are new friend.We ate lunch and watch tv.Then are friend left and went out to eat dinner.The next day we packet up and went to the airport to fly back to Bandung.
Hot springs.
I went to the Ciater Hot Springs it was really cool.They had water falls and really hot and warm water.All the water was heated by lava from a volcano.The first place in the hot springs I went to was this big pool with a small fountain in the middle the small fountain was the best part because the water was really hot.I did the hot water and I didn’t move because if I do the water will feel really hot.
The rest of the hot spring was water falls and you can swim in the pools and water falls.
Kampung Gajah
Kampung Gajah
Kampung Gajah means elephant village.But I never went to a village it was an amusement park.It had really cool rides.The first one that I went on was these small ATV that you could ride on around this course.
The second ride I went on was these big cars.My dad drove the car while I sat in the front and my brother sat in the back.We drove around 4 times!
The third ride I went on was this futuristic train it was fun.
The fourth ride i went on was bumper boat.MY dad and my brother sat in one and me and some other guy sat and drove it.That was my favorite ride.
The park also had a big swimming pool.We saw a big funnel which i knew was the torando.When you get on you get on a boat and you go in slide and you reach the funnel and you get a little wet.But i never went on it because I didn’t bring my swimming suit.
Then it started to rain and we had to go home since all the rides were closed.
White Tiger and Me
Trans studio.
Me,and my family went to this place called trans studio.But I call it trans city because the park looked like an city.The park was inside a mall and they had rides and food.The first ride I went on was this race car one.I drived the car until we got stuck my dad and my brother Joseph went past us.Then it got a lot better,some people helped us by using their car and pushing us up the hill.My dad and Joseph won but they said they got stuck to.The next ride i did was this sky pirates,all it did was fly above the park.I did a few more rides until the end where my dad went on this fast roller coaster and he went 3 times!